Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the «color revolutions» in Libya, Syria and Ukraine. The authors identify the causes and background of these events, the connection with the «Arab spring». The analysis of internal and external factors impacting on the social and political crisis in these countries are given. It is concluded that exogenous factors have had a significant impact on the devastating crisis in Libya, Syria and Ukraine. The authors emphasize that the «Arab Spring» showed the possibility of mutation of «color revolutions» in the protracted violent conflict. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the «color revolution» in Libya, Syria, Ukraine caused the civil wars in these countries and destabilized entire regions of the world. The article examines the role of the US and the EU in these events; mechanisms to counter the «color revolutions» from Russia’s are proposed.

«color revolutions», civil war, political technology, world politics, «Arab Spring», Syria, Libya, Russia

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