Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Nowadays changes in economic conditions of functioning of Russian companies have led to a need to introduce an innovative approach to personnel management. The article discusses the main directions of building an effective system of innovative human resource management through the application of technologies of Human Resource Management. Creating a supportive atmosphere of innovation involves identifying the factors that influence the process of introducing innovations in the organization, which HR-managers should consider in their work with the staff. Based on the results obtained during the study, there are the following groups of factors: political; legal; organizational and economic; social and psychological; technical. The classification of the main functions of HR-managers is presented in detail in the article and an algorithm for constructing a corporate personnel training system using PESTEL analysis is given. The introduction of any innovation in the organization as a consequence requires training and development of staff. Innovative personnel management system will help to build a competent and efficient work of employees and improve communication within the organization, which in its turn, will have a positive impact on revenues and profitability of the company.

personnel management, innovation, innovative personnel management, innovative technology personnel, HR-technology

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