Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author examines tolerant and intolerant models of forming the image of the Other, without which political identification is impossible. Within the intolerant model the image of the Other is transformed into the image of the Other and then, perhaps, the Enemy. One of the most common techniques of forming the image of the Stranger in politics is dehumanization, a set of ideas and actions, allowing to introduce political opponents as actors, deprived of human principles, and, consequently, to justify almost any action against them. The role of technology of dehumanization is determined by the objectives of its usage. The author proposes the typology of dehumanization technologies, highlighting, along with animalistic and mechanistic technology, exploitation of images of monsters, puppets and others. Using the collection of political advertizing as an empirical source in presidential campaign in Russia in 1996, the author examines the causes and consequences of the use of dehumanizing technology in political competition.

political technologies, dehumanization, image of the Other / Stranger, political identity

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