Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper authors are investigates prerequisites for transition to innovative development paradigm in the whole country and in the Russian Federation regions through a prism of interest alignment for elites/local elites and the entire society. Developing strut atomization in the contemporary Russian society predetermines different vectors of their priorities which superpose on the modern worldwide economy’s turbulence matrix, a whole range of military conflicts close to Russian border, sanction confrontation with USA and taken their part countries, as well as on civilizational, national and confessional dissidences etc. All this pushes researchers to search new ways and methods for an effective and optimal forming of national innovative system.

innovative system, innovative policy, modernization, institutional environment, science, education.

Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 15-02-00080а, также статья публикуется в рамках гранта РГНФ 15-03-00737 «Политико-экономическая трансформация российского инновационного проекта в условиях "войны санкций"».


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