Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
The adequacy of a real physical object simulator is particularly significant in the problems of operation when there is a possibility for the immediate comparison and analysis of computational and actual values of model parameters. Modern absorbing devices for rollingstock automatic coupling are described thoroughly with the aid of various simulators, but the adequacy results of these simulators insufficient. In the course of investigations there were created specified simulators of modern shock isolators. The simulator parameters are identified on basis of experimental researches of fullscale samples. The experiments were carried out simultaneously with mathematical modeling and included static tests on hydraulic press PMM-250 and dynamic tests on shock tableincline BSTU-BS3. For the computation of identifiable parameters there was used a criterion function which defined the rate of divergence in an experiment and computed model on a travel and force. As a criterion function the criterion of a root-mean-square deviation of force and travel from experimental behavior was used. According to the in-vestigations carried out there were computed the characteristics of modern shock isolators, and also the adequacy of created simulators on basis of Fischer criterion was tested and verified.
shock isolators, shock absorbing devices, simulators, statistic criteria, adequacy test
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