According to the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union is a priority for Russia. It is necessary to take into account the experience of other federal states through the integration model’s creation. Austria is a federal state like the Russian Federation. The analysis of the Austrian experience in tax regulation including the implementation of supranational regulation rules in the national legislation may help to plan successful strategies. The article is focused on the legal basis for taxation in Austria. The subject of the research is the legal principles of taxation regulation, its dynamics, system and sources of tax legislation. The author concludes that 2015/2016 tax reform will change the implementation mechanisms of principles of federalism and justice. The research identifies tendencies for strengthening the role of federal regulation in taxation, harmonization of taxation procedures, revision of the economic model of taxation of physical persons’ incomes.
harmonization, EU, Austria, principles of the tax system regulation, tax reform, legal system.
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