Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
An engineering analysis of the technical documentation means the activity by which the information is set in the documentation is extracted to verify the correctness of a given point of view of implementation, further development of the documentation (technical object) or accumulation of engineering experience. The current paper provides a summary of the types of engineering analysis, which can be carried out based on the design documentation. The following types of analysis are discussed in the paper: structural (the definition of the components of the object and connections between them); constructive (realization of major constructive activities); conceptual (search for other conceptual versions of the product); functional (determination of the object functions); geometrical (determination of other variants of the components shape, their placement and the connections between them); for calculation (determination of the necessary calculations); research (identification of the necessary tests); of safety (analysis of the product from the point of view of human safety); functional value (technical and economic improvement); dimensional (determination of fits and deviations of dimensions); technological control (inspection of the parts from the viewpoint of manufacturability); metrological (the same, but from the viewpoint of measurement); heuristic (search of ideas for improving of the object); of modification (search for modifications of the object); for regulatory control (check for complying with all regulatory requirements); ergonomic (analysis of the product from an ergonomic point of view); aesthetic (arrangement of aesthetic point of view); of transport (analysis of the object from the point of view of its transport); technological (analysis of the product from the point of view of its manufacture); operational (analysis of the product from the point of view of its operation); of repair (analysis of the product from the point of view of its repair); of utilization (analysis from the viewpoint of utilization); environmental (analysis from the viewpoint of environmental pollution); correctional (correction of the documentation). These analyzes can be used in the engineering training of students — a part of them in the course "Technical Documentation" or disciplines with similar names, while the other parts in the other design disciplines.

graphic training, design documentation, engineer - ing analysis, engineering graphics, fundamentals of engineering design, engineering education.

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