Presented paper summarizes the knowledge concerning the cultivation of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii /Mirb./ Franco), its production as well as its non-production forest functions in the conditions of the Czech Republic/Middle Europe. It analyzes the research outcomes from the point of view of volume and value production in comparison with domestic tree species, from the point of view of the soil effects and effects on the ground vegetation diversity, and from point of view of stability and cultivation in the last period. Main aim is represented by the comparison with the Norway spruce, which can be with advantages replaced by this species, with favourable impact on amount and value of the timber production, on the soil and biodiversity status of the ground vegetation. The Norway spruce is heavily affected and endangered by the coming or supposed climatic changes. Also the stability of forest stands can be supported considerably replacing Norway spruce by Douglas-fir. This species can represent suitable alternative to the Norway spruce in lower and middle altitudes and it can contribute highly to the competitiveness not only of the Czech, but European forestry too, increasing stability and production, decreasing the negative effects of the tree species changes in the past.
Douglas-fir, production, soil effects, biodiversity effects, Norway spruce substitution
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