The article reveals the concept of "military-historical and examines the history of participation of Russian women in the war. Special attention is paid to the patriotic education of the youth by the example of the tour ´Heroines of the Battle of Moscow ": the urgency of the theme is reasoned, the importance of the Victory near Moscow and its influence on the whole course of the war and the fate of our homeland are identified, women´s contribution to the victory of the Soviet people over fascism is shown, the need for preserving the memory of their heroism are reflected, as well as connection between generations is shown, and its educational value are indicated. The article presents the developed by the author military and historical tour "Heroines of the Battle of Moscow." This is one-day tour, where the route, place, time, goals, objectives and content of the tour are specified in detail. The contents disclosed 4 themes: warlike woman; rear stand on women; women widows; war and motherhood. All themes are united by a common idea - the contribution of women in the Soviet people´s Victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War. Virtual tour (for schoolchildren and students). For its implementation great practical material in the form of applications (illustrative, printed and video material) is selected. The article reveals the novelty of the proposed tour, the mechanism of its implementation and expected results.
military and historical tourism, patriotism, relevance, implementation mechanism
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