Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article through the prism of social and cultural approaches to human personality and human activities, authors examine the nature of self-realization of the individual. The authors defend an original theory of the determinationproducing abilities cultural derivatives. On the other hand, the person, as shown in the article is the major determinant of the productive forces of society. The authors of the article rehabilitate in a certain sense the Marxist approach to the relation of individual and society, where the ability of the human is the product of work alienated from the worker; this product can be considered in the context of the categories of “service”, “product of social production” and so on. The article shows the conjugation of the three spectrums of solving the problems of human abilities; they are using the methodology of socio-cultural approach, using the perspective of philosophical anthropology, in the categorical field of psychological discourse. It’s provided by a person who acts simultaneously as an object and as a subject of social relationships, as a result, active life position, a certain strategy of behavior, a tendency to a kind of unique activities have great value towards socialization. The importance of such consideration is connected, on the one hand, with the need of “translating” philosophical problems of psychology and management in the modern language services sector, on the other hand with need to determine conditions for self-realization, and other spiritual factors of human existence in the modern capitalist production. Following consideration of the accompanying considered problem issues (psychological culture, professional development, optimization services and others.); the authors conclude that the social and cultural determination of personality self-actualization creates a dynamic variety of life strategies prejudicing a persons’ ability to realize adequately them in the market in the post-capitalist socio-economic formation.

personality self-actualization, psychological culture, service culture, socialization, mutual determination of personality and society

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