Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The Object of the Research. The staff of the Gazprom Processing LLC under the conditions of implementation of competence approach. The Subject of the Research: inclusion of the competence approach as a basis for the formation of the quality of the labour force in the personnel management system “Gazprom processing”. The Purpose of the Research - analysis of the integration of the competency approach as the modern concept of the quality of the labour force in the elements of the current system of personnel management “Gazprom processing”. The Main Theoretical Aspects The article presents the results of studying the involvement of the competence approach as a basis for the formation of the quality of the labour force in the personnel management system “Gazprom processing” as well as the requirements of modern regulatory framework for the quality of the workforce. A content analysis of the defi nitions of the quality of labour and competencies has been carried on. We present the advantages of using the competency approach in working with the staff of the organization. The system of personnel management that forms the quality of the workforce has been analyzed. The results of the integration of the competency approach as the modern concept of the quality of the labour force in the elements of the current system of personnel management “Gazprom processing” are presented. The authors have concluded that developing and implementing a set of measures for the correction of the intellectual component of the quality indicators of the labour force, the functioning of the elements of personnel management system, forming quality of the workforce, in terms of the introduction of competence-based approach in the organization are needed. Measures for the correction will be presented in future publications of the authors.

competence approach, quality of labour, personnel management system, competency model, competency profi le, managerial competence, personal and business competencies, professional competencies, behavioral indicators, the level of competences, assessment of staff competency, intellectual component of the quality of the workforce.

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