Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of legal regulation of licensing method of public relations in the field of defense allocated from the general problems of applying authorization method is considered in this article. Long and widely known form of legal permission (licensing, accreditation and other types of permits) the subject structure which can be defined by a pair of executive authority — the physical or legal person. Meanwhile licensing relationships can occur not only between these types of entities. In the licensing relationship between them can join public authorities at different levels. The study analyzes the current legislation in the sphere of defense, in which a special group of licensing relations associated with the use of the Armed Forces and special weapons. The conclusion about the need for detailed regulation of the internal legislation of the use of armed force of the state through the creation of a special administrative-legal regime is made.

Defense, public administration, public authorities, the President of the Russian Federation, a permissive way, permissive mode, resolution.

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