Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the investment and savings of the population, dynamics, form and purpose of savings and forms of investment, investment instruments. The relevance of this sociological study is based on socio-economic problems of Russia, which does not allow our country to adequately develop in the conditions of global competition. And this is a weak level of investment activity, which affects the formation of the financial resource base of the investment process, describing consistently low indicator of efficiency of the financial system, which is unable to meet the needs of the national economy sustainable sources of funding. This leads to difficulties of formation of resource base of commercial banks, the increasing dependence of the domestic stock market from foreign capital, the lack of sustainable long-term sources of financing of the Russian economy. As a result of analysis of investment and savings activity of the population identified the major issues associated with a low level of this activity and proposes a number of solutions that will help improve the financial situation of the population and the economy of the state as a whole.

the investment behaviour of the population, savings behavior of the population, investment and savings, savings, investments, financial institutions, investment instruments, sociological survey.

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