The paper dwells on the problems of the new professional area and its development in Russian Federation – representation of commercial interests in the government power (GR). The author discriminates between the fields of activity of the GR-business and the historically-based institutional sphere of Public Relations. PR is considered by the author basically as a resource for the support of the lobbying campaigns. The author dislikes the term «lobbying» as old-fashioned and laden with negative connotations. He proposes the term «representation of commercial interests» instead. The legal basis for the GR-activity provides the Constitution of the Russian Federation, considering that the representation of interests is the important foundation of the Constitutional System. O.G. Rumiantsev is well-known practioner and organizer in the considered field of activity. The paper provides the interesting assessments of the political history of Russia late in XX – early XXI century, and also the materials concerning the development of the GR-activity professional standard.
Government Relations (GR), Public Relations (PR), Public Affairs, representation of commercial interests, lobbying, governmental authorities, power, GR-league, Constitution of the Russian Federation, self-regulatory organization.
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