The article analyzes the problems of strengthening and deepening of interstate cooperation and collaboration, which is expressed in the development of integration associations in various regions of the world, evaluates approaches to the models of management associations (often considered as a separate level of public authority) and their interaction with national authorities. This article reviews current issues of relationship and collaboration of national and intergovernmental bodies considering to various types of integration associations, examines the grounds and forms of their interaction, both in cooperation and in connection with the conflict situations. Also the article is dedicated to the linkages between certain organs within the associations, with particular attention paid to the problems of interaction of the supreme national and inter-state courts. Moreover there are an assessment of trends in the development of integration associations and approaches to their functioning taking into account modern realities. Problems of interaction between national authorities and authorities of integration association in different forms are often studied to bringing the experience of the specific integration associations, differing by scale spread, solidarity linkages within the union, sustainable development, etc. In particular, the article analyzes the example of the functioning of the European Union, which is the most successful supra-national integration union type, which allows to show hierarchical relationships subordinate authorities within the integration association. The author also refers to the experience of the Eurasian Economic Union, which illustrates control and coordination of management type within the union.
Integration associations, interaction of authorities, supranational and intergovernmental bodies, the European Union, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Andean Community.
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