Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The authors analyze various theoretical concepts on which they substantiate the following: the more hegemonic and unilateral the world order became, the more inhibited interstate dialogue on disarmament was, more and more coming into the crisis. This is also the format of intergovernmental negotiations in general, in particular long-term non-participation of Russia in the "group of seven". Revision of the theoretical foundations is accompanied by a change in emphasis in the dialogue on disarmament, its reactivation and the continuation of more equal footing. According to Galtung, that is the way to express the so-called pluralistic unipolarity, marking the transition from unilateralism to leadership. The constructive position of Russia - search for constructive forms of partnership with the West and the rapprochement with China.

disarmament, transformation of the international system, theoretical concepts of globalization, alternative models of development, crisis of disarmament policy, hegemonic stability, pluralistic unipolarity

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