Tomsk, Tomsk, Russian Federation
The term ecologization (“greening”) is becoming increasingly common for scientific studies and legal acts. The present article is devoted to the ecologization problem of one sector of the Russian economy. This study is aimed at formulation of theoretical statements on the construction industry ecologization, analysis of the current legislation with regard to ensuring this process, as well as at identification of the existing defects of legal regulation of corresponding relations. The study shows the importance of greening for the country´s economy, the author proposes to define greening as a complex of diverse measures, united by a single purpose. As one of the ways to ensure the greening in the construction industry the author proposes a conceptual approach to the land development as a specific type of management, as an activity that has an integrated impact on the environment and determines a long-term prospective use of the relevant territory. Based on the analysis of the current legislation on natural resources, the author suggests some changes in the forest, water, town planning legislation and legislation on subsoil.
Ecologization, greening, construction, development of land, law on wildlife management.
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