Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This research paper is about the conceptual, theoretical and practical aspects of legal institute of authority redistribution between local government bodies and the bodies of the Russian Federation state power. Prerequisites for introduction, the content and an expert estimates of specified legal Institute prospects are investigated in the paper. From the goal-setting theory position in the study the main objectives for which achievement the local selfgovernment was included in the state system mechanism of the Russian Federation are formulated and author´s vision of hierarchy of these purposes is offered. Considering the hierarchy of local self-government objectives attempt to estimate the prospects of improvement the authority redistribution mechanism between local self-government bodies and the bodies of the Russian Federation state power is made and also to formulate the prediction of rather probabilistic results of analyzed legal institute introduction to the local self-government modern system. Research is executed with financial support of RGNF. Project «Improvement of System of the Conceptual and Ideological Bases of Local Government Fixed in Legal System of the Russian Federation » No. 16-03-50015.

local self-government, the local self-government purposes, institute of authority redistribution between the self-government and municipal bodies.

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