Rubrics: TOURISM
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article presents a set of general system characteristics used to identify the conceptual properties of agritourism. There are the results of a formalized systematic and positive analysis of known conceptual directions of system perfection of agritourism relations. Accoding to these results the author identifies the imperatives and synthesizes the corresponding category. The article identifies a system of agritourism as a business network of rural tourism using the convenient location of the tourist farmsteads. This network is organized by its owners and individuals influencing the development of tourism with these aims: to meet the interests of tourists in the fields of winemaking, fishing, agricultural technologies, advanced methods of management; to explore natural phenomena, crafts, monuments of history and architecture; to participate in folk games, festivals, folklore performances. Rural tourism develops on the basis of the family agribusiness in the conditions enabling the legal system and its initial funding. Progressive legislation contributes to effective management, to strengthening of tourism position in the territories, to the demonstrations and the marketing of agricultural products to the tourists, to the development of intensive farms, to the increasing incomes from tourist destinations and their products. A promising development of rural tourism requires new ways of getting income, renovation and construction of recreation facilities, gift shops, creation of interest collections to tourists, organisation of festivals, restoration of historical and architectural monuments. The complex business of rural tourism is a form of cluster. Maximizing business performance in rural tourism s implements optimal account of district interests. The districts of agricultural cluster are owners of tourist farms and other persons who make an independent economic activity on the market of services of rural tourism. Agritourism creates an economic base for rural development, promotes the preservation of local customs, folklore, crafts.

systematic and positive analysis, conceptual specifications, agritourism, synthesis, category, imperatives, rural tourism

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