The article is devoted to the study of the formation of body image in adolescence, relations to other components. Body image is a concept, which includes perceptions of one’s own body, sensual painting of this perception and how, in his opinion, along with its surrounding; it is a kind of system of human representations about the physical side of the self, about my body. The main component of body image is knowledge of the individual about himself, of his physical component. Body image is an important component of self-consciousness. In personality develop- ment is the crisis period of early adolescence because in this phase is the destruction of old and formation of new image of the body that influences personality, his attitude. A negative attitude towards your body can lead to mental disorders, increased levels of anxiety and inappropriate behavior. Therefore, in this study, we considered this age stage of the individual. The article presents the structure of body image, its main components, based upon the results of the study. The author suggests that the development of body image in adolescence becomes successful in the implementation of components of body image that includes a foreign body, boundaries, body image and sex- role identity. We also think that positive body image is associated with such personality traits as self-confidence, sociability, responsibility, independence and depends on how people are satisfied with their appearance.
body, external body, sex-role identity, the borders of body image
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