Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article describes the specifics of enterprises functioning of tourist-recreational complex, which includes food service companies of Krasnodar Krai. The authors analyze and illustrate by the examples the main trends in the food industry of the region, the most promising among which are: healthy eating growth in popularity, increasing the interest of the population in the national cuisine, more precise positioning of enterprises in their market segments, development of market of corporate food companies through extending the range of catering services. The authors place greater focus on the need to diversify the catering services, taking into account the variety of forms of customer service, enterprise-type specificity, accounting the subjectivity of assess of service quality that in totality defines the market strategy. The authors define the specific feature of the regional restaurant business, which is based mainly on the small business, but at the same time tends towards consolidation of enterprises and the creation of restaurant chains. Coordination of enterprise activities with educational institutions and training centers for the address training of the contact personnel and improving the quality of service in the field is the one of the key factors of optimization of. food services development in Krasnodar Krai. The appearance on the market of new players from other types of businesses intensifies competition, which has a positive impact on the industry development as a whole, and contributes to increasing the indicators of service quality and makes them closer to the world standards.

food service companies of tourist and recreational complex, food service market segmentation, development factors, trends, quality of service, national cuisine, modern forms of service, innovation activity

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