Three forms of supporting of nomination of candidates have developed in the process of establishment of the Russian electoral legislation (collection of electors’ signatures, results of previous elections, municipal filter) which in the author’s opinion do not always display such support and whose practical application gives rise to certain problems. In this regard, in the author’s opinion, such forms of support of nomination of candidates as results of previous elections and municipal filter should be eliminated from the Russian legislation. However, a threshold during registration of candidates is necessary, but only to prevent the candidates from abusing their ballot access and exclude those candidates who stand for the elections not to be elected, but for other personal purposes. Electoral pledge while preserving the signatures collection for those who can’t afford the electoral pledge might be an effective threshold for candidates who abuse their ballot access.
supporting of nomination of candidates, collection of electors’ signatures, municipal filter, electoral pledge, results of previous elections, political party, refusal to register candidates.
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