Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the legal regime of the sovereign wealth funds of the Russian Federation — the Reserve Fund and National Welfare Fund. The article reveals the role and importance of sovereign wealth funds for the implementation of efficient financial activity of the state and the achievement of socially significant results. The article studies the evolution of the development of the Russian legislation on sovereign wealth funds, funds’ specific characteristics and their attributes and functions, presents the actual currency structure of these funds. The author pays special attention to the specifics of managing sovereign funds. The author argues that the Sovereign Wealth Fund represents a portion of the Federal budget funds, established to ensure the state’s financial stability, managed by a special body and intended for the financial support of the execution of the state’s objectives and functions, in the event of risks and threats to the budget balance. The author emphasizes that the transformation of the main purpose of sovereign wealth funds — from “Fund of financial stability” under the crisis, to the Fund — “Protector of stability and prosperity” presents itself as rather promising.

sovereign wealth funds, Reserve Fund, national welfare Fund, financial stability, budget balance, risk, role and significance of sovereign wealth funds, the Russian Federation.

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