Blagoveschensk, Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation
Blagoveschensk, Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation
In order to study the lipid metabolism of a mother–newborn system, there were examined 35 women in labor who had the exacerbation of chronic cytomegalovirus infection with the titer of IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus 1:1600 in the III trimester of gestation and the same number of newborns (the main group). The control group consisted of 35 healthy pregnant women and their newborns. In maternal blood plasma and neonatal umbilical cord blood, total cholesterol content, triglyceride, lipoproteid cholesterol of high (HDL) and low (LDL) density were studied; in the membrane of erythrocytes the concentration of arachidonic acid and lysophosphatidylcholine was examined. It was found that in comparison with the control group at exacerbation of cytomegalovirus infection during gestation there was a significant transformation of lipid metabolism not only in the mother´s blood, but in the blood of the umbilical cord of newborn children, which was revealed through the reduction of the content of total cholesterol (in mother it was by 21%, in the newborn it was by 35%, p<0.001) and cholesterol of LDL (in mother by 24%, in the newborn by 36%, p<0.001); through an increase in the concentration of triglycerides (in mother by 28%, in newborn by 21%, p<0.001); cholesterol of HDL (in mother by 24%, in the newborn by 46%, p<0.001) and chaotropic fractions of phospholipid bilayer of membranes of red blood cells – lysophosphatidylcholine (in mother by 69%, in the newborn by 76%, p<0.001); arachidonic acid (in mother by 62%, in the newborn by 34%, p<0.001). The disturbance of the lipid composition contributes to pathogenesis of CMV infection and allows further conceptual approaches to prevention and treatment of viral infection during pregnancy. The study results suggest the feasibility and necessity of including drugs with antioxidant, antihypoxic action and the ability to regulate lipid metabolism in the complex therapy of pregnant women.
cytomegalovirus infection, mothers, newborns, lipids
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