In accordance with the author´s intention, and in accordance with the constitutional framework, the article analyzes the wages and social insurance in Russia, unjustified super differentiation in wages, which excludes financial participation of low-income workers in the compulsory social insurance, who should be included in the system of compulsory social insurance without any conditions and restrictions. The author analyzes the state of wages, the necessity of state regulation of wages, the basic state guarantee on wages — minimum wages and salaries in Russia, with the aim to determine the conceptual basis for legal regulation of the wages in Russia in the interests of its population, in particular, it is argued that consumer demand is the main and only engine of the market economy and it has to be moderately in advance of the production capabilities. The author draws the attention to the use of state and contractual regulation of labour, as it is objectively necessary and socially justified if public and private regulation of labor relations in the sphere of remuneration are correctly interrelated. The main purpose of contractual regulation of remuneration should be the improvement of the situation of workers on the basis of the agreement between the parties to social partnership. For its part, the state should not interfere with the balance and supply of labour in the labour market, the formation of a natural price for labour. According to the author, it is necessary to constitutionalize the concepts of “decent work” and “decent wages”, “compulsory social insurance”. “Decent work” and “decent wage” should be recognized at the constitutional level as the principles of work organization.
discrimination, fair wages , decent work, voluntary social insurance, low cost of manpower, the mechanism of legal regulation, the minimum wage, mandatory social insurance, pension liabilities, insurance amount, superdifferentiated wage, subsistence minimum, wage, actual wage, the price of labor.
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