Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The weighed and unweighted minimal set-cover problem, its applicability for the solution of the major optimization practical tasks, such as arrangement of service points, assignment of crews in transport, as well as the integrated-circuit and conveyer lines designing is considered. The paper objective is to describe meth-ods of improving efficiency of this task solution. The principle of operation of the genetic algorithm and the applicability of its modification as a method of the solution to the set-cover problem are defined. Greedy strategy of Chvatal for the set-cover problem solution is considered. An exhaustive algorithm as an exact algo-rithm for the solution of small-size tasks is developed. The modi-fied genetic algorithm developed by Nguyen M. H. is described. A software tool for comparing the performance of these algorithms is created. It is concluded that the solution of the set-cover problem by our genetic algorithm modification is more effective than by the genetic algorithm of Nguyen M. H. or the greedy strategy. And the results obtained in small-size tasks are noted for insignificant error.

genetic algorithm, set-covering problem, Goldberg´s model, algorithm of Nguyen M.H., greedy strategy of Chvatal, exhaustive enumeration.

Задача о покрытии множества является классическим вопросом информатики и теории сложности. Данная задача обобщает NP-полную задачу о вершинном покрытии (и потому также является NP-сложной). К задаче о покрытии можно свести многие задачи дискретной оптимизации: стандартизации, упаковки и разбиения множества, построения расписаний. Известна также и обратная сводимость задачи о покрытии к этим задачам. На практике задачи о покрытии возникают при размещении пунктов обслуживания, в системах информационного поиска, при назначении экипажей на транспорте, проектировании интегральных схем и конвейерных линий и т. д.


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