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Abstract (English):
Mechanochemical wear (tribocorrosion) is metal de-struction caused by a simultaneous action of friction and corrosion. In many cases the interference of me-chanical and chemical phenomena (synergism) is manifested as a result of which the situation of wear can change considerably. Tribocorrosion occurs in a wide spectrum of combined mechanical and chemical effect. The regularities of the interference manifestation of mechanical and chemical factors in tribocorrosion have been studied insufficiently neither theoretically, nor experimentally. For the analysis of tribocorrosion properties of materials under conditions of sliding friction there is offered the use of the system allowing the exposition of a sample simultaneously to tribological and corrosion processes. There are emphasized and described merits and deme-rits of the basic groups of methods for the investigation of mechanochemical wear: galvanic, potentiodynamic and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. It is defined that at the investigation of tribocorrosion it should be purposeful to use electrochemical methods inasmuch as they allow modeling many chemical properties of corrosion environment at the simultaneous mechanical effect.

mechanochemical wear, sliding friction, tribocorrosion, triboelectrochemical cell, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
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