Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The constitutionalism in XXI century will be determined by the following factors: 1) the information society building and forming of e-government; 2) the development of crowd economy based on direct communication between the manufacturer and its ultimate customers; 3) the growing trend of regional political and economic integration of states. These factors will affect not only the essence of certain human rights and freedoms, but also will modify the mechanisms of their legal protection. The regional integration will become irreversible, if a viable mechanism is created as part thereof with a view to balance the supranational and national interests. The concept of constitutional identity is the center piece of such mechanism. Constitutional identity determined in terms of political and legal nature of the State should take into account special aspects of the mechanism of constitutional legal regulation and may be defined in the context of constitutional sense of justice and constitutional culture. The author draws the conclusion about the necessity to speed up the formation of the Eurasian identity, especially as there are objective prerequisites arising from the common grounds of the post-soviet peoples in respect to their traditions, culture, lifestyles and mentality. The development of the Eurasian Identity Declaration will contribute to the said process.

constitutional identity, information society, e-government, crowd economy, regional integration, Eurasian identity.

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