Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet
Ufa, Russian Federation
The article considers the topical problems of protecting civil rights and responsibility during the implementation of the civil law protecting power in Latin America. The development trend of harmonization has led to the creation of the Latin American principles of contract law. In the Peruvian legislation, a set of all elements of a civil offense, which includes a causal link, the presence of loss, guilt and illegality of actions, forms the basis of contractual liability. The amount of recoverable damages includes reparation of not only the actual damage, but also loss of profits if they are a direct result of the default. Analyzing the Brazilian law, the author notes that the breach of an obligation may be in the form of a delay in its execution. The debtor is considered overdue when he does not make payments, and the creditor, too, who does not wish to receive it. The debtor is responsible for the damages caused by his delay. If due to the delay the payment becomes useless to the creditor, he is entitled to reject it and claim damages. In the law of Ecuador, the recoverable damages include the incurred damages and lost profits arising from non-execution or improper execution of the obligation. In the cases provided for by law, recoverable damages are limited to the extent of the damage.
defense of civil rights, responsibility in civil law in countries of Latin America.
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