Handling of modern communication studies to theoretical and methodological achievments of philosophy of culture is the result of the desire for a holistic vision of the interaction of heterogeneous structures, united in the act of communication. This makes it possible, based on the dialectics of the general, special and individual, as well as relying on the ideas of existential dialectic and personalism, to formulate some principles of a dynamic understanding of the communication process and to identify the conditions of its performance. This approach considers “unity of understanding,” “non-empty” communicative act, taken at the same time in the linguistic and extra-linguistic (ethnopsychological, historical, cognitive, semantic, sociological aspects, etc.) measurements. The functional approach to the study of linguistic measurement of communicative act (distinguishing physical and logical types of existence), in conjunction with antisubstantialism allows to highlight the role of abstract, “metaphysical” concepts (universals) for solving linguistic and communicative tasks. Analysis of the communicative act in the semantic dimension allows us to consider it as a unique communicative event, which has a universal structure, through the allocation of dynamic components of this process, which is a kind of superposition, the interference part of concepts (rhizome). This rhizome unity of concepts not only provides the informational content of the message, but also induces a concomitant “background” knowledge (assessment, links and hyperlinks, intention, modality, imperatives, etc.) that make up the pragmatic level of existence of the concept. Intentional aspect of communication, orienting communicators to “essence”, “purpose” and “meaning” (in the dynamic sense) refers to the Other as a reality and at the same time as open project; sets the “horizon” of communicative events, thus creating a space of dialogue as a space of culture and setting field of open universals that define the possibility of an agreement. The importance of this approach for the sphere of international relations can not be overestimated.
intercultural communication, international relationships, philosophy of culture, communicative act, concept, Gestalt concept, Concept pattern, mass consciousness.
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