Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The rotavirus infection is an important cause of the morbidity in children and adults in the developed countries and takes a lead in the morbidity and mortality of the infants in the developing countries. The rotavirus gastroenteritis has a high prevalence causing severe diarrhea with the dehydration among the infants. Almost every child in age of three years had a rotavirus infection at least once. The most severe course of the disease is observed among children aged from 4 to 36 months. These facts determine necessity to deploy the efficient therapeutic and preventive measures against the rotavirus gastroenteritis. This literary review presents recent data of treatment of rotavirus infection in children. Basic methods of treatment of rotavirus infection in present time are application of the enterosorbents (dioctahedral smectite in doubled age-specific dose) and oral rehydration, which can reduce duration of disease, decrease the risk of complications and intra-hospital infections. Supplementation to the basic treatment of moderate severe rotavirus is the antiviral drugs as the Arbidol or the Gepon, which contribute to a significant reduction of the acute period of the disease and accelerate rehabilitation of rotavirus.

rotavirus infection, children, gastroenteritis, treatment.

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