The work defines goals and objectives of state employment policy at the present stage of economic development characterized by crisis phenomena. The author presents main types of state employment policy and identifies main characteristics and the content of active, passive and moderately passive policy types. The author also carries out the systematization of bodies’ activity of state employment management and highlights the main directions of state employment policy. The article shows the features of the distribution of powers and functions among the employment bodies at Federal, regional and municipal levels. The state employment regulation mechanism is characterized from the point of view of application of different management methods. Economic, organizational, administrative and legislative methods to regulate the employment in a crisis have to adapt to the new conditions. There is a need for improving existing regulatory mechanisms of the labour market and for the development of new ones that meet constantly changing conditions. State involvement should be reflected in the extension of the tools of active employment promotion policy. Special attention should be given to the development of regional target programs to support industry, social protection of the population in the sphere of counteraction to mass redundancies and to ensure sound management of the processes of re-training, reduction of long-term unemployment, the increasing unemployment payouts, and, of course, support small business. This article presents the dynamics of unemployment and the budgetary appropriation for the employment regulation in 2015, which allows to make a conclusion about insufficiency of financing of this direction of state activity and the need to identify hidden reserves to increase the efficiency of the employment management mechanism.
employment, labour market, employment policy, competitiveness, working ability, budget expenditures
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