The paper presents the results of cybermetric analysis of Ukrainian protesters` digital footprints in social media (January – February, 2014). Strategies of forming attitudes of protest behavior of Ukrainian citizens in global network are analyzed. Empirical research model included event-analysis, typology reports of events considered using online Internet service monitoring social media and messaging discourse analysis, forming protest attitudes in the Ukrainian users. Structural and meaningful analyses were subjected to digital traces of three periods of development of protest, identified during event analysis. Development of intensity markers allowed to carry out a structural analysis of Internet content, and determining the content of the markers provided semantic content circulating in the global communications network. Discourse analysis of social media posts established dominance of certain technologies of negative mobilization of protesters: identification of political entities with public threat or sources of discontent; use anthropomorphic metaphors; broadcasting information of provocative character. In the article the perspectives of further research, involving improvement of methods of analysis of formation protest activity on digital tracks are shown.
Internet, protest activity, protest attitudes, negative mobilization, social media, cybermetric analysis, content analysis, discourse analysis, typology, event analysis, Euromaidan
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