Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of a study of accessibility and quality of services submitted by customers from socially oriented non-profit organizations (SO NFOs). We describe a methodical approach to the assessment of the availability and quality of public services of NFOs on the basis of generalization of existing developments. The mass survey of consumers was conducted - clients of NFOs (July 2016) by quota sample (200 people in Tatarstan), including clients from NFOs working in Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny. The study revealed high satisfaction of services by customers of SO NFOs, indicating that non-profit organizations have the potential to meet the needs of the population through the production of services. Obtained from respondents assessment of structure of SO NFOs services with a predominance of activities, information and educational services indicate of the possible development of social services related to the implementation of technologies of social work with different categories of population.

social services, social-oriented non-profit organizations, state support for non-profit organizations, quality of social services, availability of social services

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