Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the research was to identify the frequency of development of the syndrome of post-exercise bronchial spasm in patients with asthma against physical load and the study of clinical-functional features of its course. 197 patients (122 women and 75 men) with mild persistent partially controlled and uncontrolled asthma were observed. The mean age of the patients was 36.1±0.73 years old; the mean height was 168.8±0.63 cm; the mean weight was 74.6±1.03 kg. The patients did not have strong obstructive disorders of the ventilation pulmonary function; forced expiratory volume for the first second (FEV1) was 91.6±2.5% from the predicted value. All the patients had clinical-anamnestic test and the assessment of apnoea degree by the scale of mMRC and identification of disease control by validated questionnaire Asthma Control Test; the airway response was evaluated in reaction to dosed physical load calculated and fulfilled at the research complex for ergospirometric studies OxyconPro (VIASYS Healthcare, Germany); basic study of the lung function at the device Easyone-PC (Switzerland) was done. As a result of the study post-exercise bronchial spasm was diagnosed in 18.3% of patients with asthma. Close positive correlation between the baseline FEV1 (in %) and bronchial response to the dosed physical load measured at the first minute of the recovery period (r=0.19; р<0.05) as well as the intensity of the further bronchial response at the 10th minute of the recovery period (r=0.19; р<0.05) was registered. The intensity of bronchial response at the 10th minute of the recovery period in patients with airway hyperresponsiveness to dosed physical load was directly related with the degree of asthma control (r=0.56; р˂0.05). It was found out that the degree of the asthma control correlated with the airway hyperresponsiveness to physical load.

asthma, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, exercise load, asthma control

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