The article presents the study of features of formation and remodeling of distraction graft of rabbits’ forearm bones at the passage of transosseous elements through acupuncture points. The aim of the work was to develop and perform quantitative estimation of regenerative process at the healing of forearm bone fractures using morphometric researches. We studied morphofunctional changes of graft on different stages of ossification using morphoscopy and morphometry and compared their quantitative characteristics with the ones in intact bone. Used index systems of estimation of regeneration processes at the healing of forearm bone fractures allow to reveal larger degree of statistical significance of obtained results not only in comparison with intact bone but also in over the time of experiment. Using quantitative variables and index estimation of regenerative processes at the healing of forearm bone fractures allow not only to objectify character of their changes but also to predict variability of its value.
bone distraction graft, morphology , morphometry, acupuncture points, acupuncture, biologically active point
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