Russian Federation
The article aims to provide experience in the development of the Fund of assessment tools to accompany basic graphic training of students. Examines the organizational and methodological aspects of the creation of the Fund of assessment tools of discipline and procedures control expected results subject teaching. Guarantee quality teaching is closely connected with qualitative evaluation of its results. In effect this requires the development of objective procedures for assessing the level of knowledge and skills of students, professional and cultural competences. Monitoring of educational results, it is necessary to organize at all stages of the educational process in each subject teaching. The projected outcomes of the subject training are formulated as the expected and measured learner achievement in the language knowledge, abilities, possessions. The authors on the example of basic graphic training of students, undertaken on younger courses of technical universities, discussing the experience of the development of the Fund of assessment tools of discipline "descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics". Assessment of the quality of subject training includes the current and boundary control and intermediate certification in the discipline. Monitoring is a continuous check of mastering of educational material, which is carried out by teacher throughout the course. Boundary control (modulo the discipline) conducted by the Dean´s office. Intermediate as the final control of mastering of discipline (or its section) is part of sessional assessment of students. The paper presents the framework used in basic graphic skills, and also developed criteria and indicators for their evaluation. The examples used control procedures. Along with the known evaluation technologies that have been proven as the most successful, nontraditional uses and assessing, for example, "project method" or the development of new computer technologies. Objective assessment of the quality of the future specialists needed to build efficiently managed educational process. Quantitative and qualitative side of the evaluation at every stage of the implementation of the educational program allow to evaluate the final quality of the formation of common cultural and professional competences of graduates.
geometro-graphic training, Fund of assessment tools, educational discipline, forms and types of control, criteria and indicators of evaluation.
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