Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
The 95 cases of adverse drug reactions in children were registered in the Centre of Drug Safety Monitoring of Irkutsk Region from 2009 to 2015. In 21.4 % of cases, the coexistent affections developed. Children were allergic three times more often than adults. In 14.7 % of cases severe allergic reactions were registered. Most often allergies occurred after taking immunotropic (62.2 %), antimicrobial (16.2 %) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (10.8 %). 10.5 % of cases concerned inefficient drug use in children under 3 years; and 36.8 % of cases concerned children aged 3 to 18 years. The following risk factors of inefficient antibiotic therapy in children with urinary system infections were determined: the duration of the disease up to 5 years, isolation of two or more infectious agents and concomitant infections of upper and lower urinary tract. Adverse drug reaction occurred more often when more than three drugs were prescribed at the same time. Such cases were generally registered in patients with infectious diseases and epilepsy. Risk of adverse reaction increased with the off-label drug use. Introduction of monitoring methods and prediction algorithms allowing to reveal with high probability and to prevent adverse drug reactions in children improved efficiency and quality of pharmacotherapy.
children, drug reaction, drugs, safety monitoring, adv erse drug reaction
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