Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
Present study was performed in Krasnokamensk city. We conducted retrospective study of 34 incident cases of tuberculosis (TB) among employees of the Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union exposed to radiation (uranium production and processing). The comparison group included 47 TB patients, permanent residents of Krasnokamensk. The study found out that long-term dynamics of TB morbidity in the main group exceeded the one of the comparison group. Among the employees, most cases were registered in the 20–35 age group (47.0 %), and among the Krasnokamensk residents – in the 35–50 age group (51.0 %). In the main group, the most common cases were gross and extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis (53.0 % and 14.7 % respectively). In the comparison group, minor TB forms dominated (59.5 %) and only one case of extrapulmonary tuberculosis was registered (p < 0.05). The effectiveness of the treatment in compared groups did not differ.
tuberculosis, clinical course, uranium ore, radon, radiation exposure
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