The article discusses the current state of the law enforcement public service legislation. It is noted that the development of the legal regulation of law enforcement service over the past decade shows that legislators don’t understand to the full extent its specificity and differences from other types of public service. The author criticizes the refusal to use the term “law enforcement service” in the Federal Law “On the public service of the Russian Federation”, according to author´s opinion the service at specific positions in law enforcement service has a number of features in comparison with civil and military service and is characterized by a certain internal unity. The article compares approaches to the legal regulation of service at certain positions in different law enforcement agencies. The author notes that taken in recent years legislative acts concerning the service in law enforcement agencies mostly contain overlapping rules. This situation violates one of the principles of legal technique - maximum economy of norms in the presentation of legal regulations, prevention of their repetitions.
public service, law enforcement service, law enforcement, legislation.
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