Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian University of Transport (Associate Professor)
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
It is well known that machining aluminum and its alloys is accompanied by very considerable changes in quality parameters of parts surface layers which affect greatly performance attributes. The study of the machining conditions influence upon surface layer quality in parts allows defining optimum cutting parameters and increasing performance attributes of many parts. It is well known that there are alternative methods of shaping which are a combined treatment which can include a mechanical, electrical and chemical influence upon a surface worked. Combined methods of treatment possess a wide range of controlled factors affecting a quality level of a surface formed and that is why they are convenient and effective in use during processes of shaping in parts made of difficult-to cut and heterogeneous materials. As the investigation results have shown during edge cutting machining anodic-mechanical treatment in the course of cutting Al 2 and Al 3 silumins the oxides formation on the surface worked worsens considerably electrochemical processes. Particularly it is significant at anodic dissolution of aluminum alloys having a high capacity to oxidation. The method of electromechanical combined treatment allows managing qualitative indices in the course of surface shaping and as a result promoting the achievement of an essential level in quality parameters of a surface level.
aluminum alloys, combined treatment, methods, roughness, surface quality parameters, shaping
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8. Kulikov, М.Yu. Method for quality improvement in surface layer using combined mechanical electrochemical treatment / М.Yu. Kulikov, V.Е. Inozemt-sev, U. Мо Haing // Proceedings «Високi тенологii в машинобудуваннi». - Kharkov: ITU “KhPI”, 2012. - №1. - pp. 168 - 170.