Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Modern approaches to the region’s landslide susceptibility assessment are considered in this paper. Have been presented descriptions of the most used techniques for landslide susceptibility assessment: logistic regression, indicator validity, linear discriminant analysis and application of artificial neural networks. These techniques’ advantages and disadvantages are discussed in the paper. The most suitable techniques for various conditions of analysis have been marked. It has been concluded that the most acceptable techniques of analysis for a large number of input data related to the studied region are the method of logistic regression and indicator validity method. With these methods the most accurate results are achieved. When there is a lack of information, it is more expedient to use linear discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks that will minimize potential analysis inaccuracies.
landslide susceptibility, method of logistic regression, indicator validity method, linear discriminant analysis, artificial neural networks, geo information systems.
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