The technical terminology reflect level of evolution of science and technique. The dislodging of old terms by means of new words considering the same conception is considered. At the same time take it old terms in the contemporary language root. Dying off terms without replacement is useless latest technique provoked. For instance, disused command apparatus. His functions carry with vast advantage a computer out. Mass appearance of new terms is with conception a new sphere of science, for instance cybernetic and electronic, connected. The appearance of hybrid terms, cooperation and widen techniques and colloquial vocabulary is considered.
technical term, origin, extinction, household word, use.
1. Vinogradov, V.V. History of Words/ executive editor N.Yu. Shvedov. - М.: RAS. Section of Literature and Lan-guage, 1999. - pp. 1138.
2. Yermakov, Yu.М. Technical Terms of Household Origin. Dictionary. - М.: Publishing House “Engineering - Youth” , 2008. - 184.
3. Zagorsky, F.N. Essays on Machine-tools History up to XIX Century. - М. -L.: AS of the USSR, 1960. - pp. 282.
4. Mechanical Engineering. Terminology Dictionary under the general editorship of М.K. Uskov, E.F. Bogdanov. - М.: Mechanical Engineering, 1995. - pp. 592.
5. Ozhegov, S.N. Russian Language Dictionary: 70000 entries / under the editorship of N.Yu. Shvedova. - 23-d Ed., corrected - М.: Russian Language, 1991. - pp. 917.