Russian Federation
There is presented the brief analysis of historical and economic development of housing and utilities infrastructure in Russia, which allows making conclusion about the current state of the sector. As it was shown, currently it is in disastrous state. To steer this sector out of crisis a set of effective measures from the authorities is needed. To evaluate the existing situation the sector, as well as its sub-sectors, should be thoroughly analyzed by professional specialists. In order to solve the problems, which the housing and utilities sector is facing, the destatization should be carried out and the accurate regulatory and legal framework and the mechanism of attracting highly-skilled professionals should be developed. The price reasonableness for housing and utilities services should be also controlled, and the intermediate sellers represented by management companies of the consumed utility services should be excluded
housing and utilities infrastructure, housing and utility sector reforming, the history of housing and utilities sector, housing properties, housing and utilities services, dilapidated and hazardous dwelling funds, obsolescence and physical deterioration, metering instruments, capital repairs.
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