Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Approaches for quantitative analysis of traffic safety with application of methods of mathematical statistics and probability theory. The basis for calculation of the indicators of traffic safety, taken Poisson distribution law. At the same time noted that the accuracy of the evaluation indicators will be higher if the volume of statistics burly - accidents.
mathematical statistics, traffic safety, accidents, hazards, safety performance, traffic - traffic accident, motor vehicle, period, risk distribution hypothesis.
1. Nikitin, A.M. Theoretical bases of traffic safety: monograph / A. M. Nikitin. - Bryansk: Publishing Center of BSAU, 2014. -187 p.
2. Sakovich, N. E. Mathematical modeling in traffic safety: monograph / N.E.Sakovich. - Bryansk: Publishing Center of BSAU, 2011. -176 p.
3. Hristoforov, E.N. Probabilistic and statistical methods in traffic: monograph / E.N.Hristoforov. - Bryansk: Publishing Center of BSAU, 2005. -200 p.