Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the new balance of power in the modern world, in which a decisive role is played not by the United States and the European Union, but by major political players in Eurasia: China, India, Russia and Iran. Under these conditions, the main method of overcoming the division of the world is the convergence of EU and US positions on the one hand, and the BRICS states, the SCO and the EAEC, on the other. Only the rejection of colonial thinking residues and the establishment of equality in the world will allow the West to avoid the loss of political influence in Eurasia. Special attention is paid to the political opposition in the Eurasian space. In particular, there is a growing anti-American sentiment in Eastern Europe in the context of the global crisis. A special place in the article takes an analysis of the reconfiguration of forces in the Middle East, which was ultimately strengthened by the SCO and BRICS countries and weakened by the West influence. The large political space of Eurasia has been a new balance of power, which paves the way for a possible long-term stabilization of relations between states, as well as the possibility of ending the numerous military conflicts common in the era of a unipolar world. A new stage of globalization can bring political balance in post polar system of international relations.

new balance of power, Eurasian space, global crisis, post-unipolar international system

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