Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At the present time a large amount of articles are dedicated to building modeling. At the same time the application of BIM (Building Information Model) is rather limited. This article discusses the problem of information models of building generalized entities` and Building Management Systems` (BMS) integration. The solution of this problem will allow to find new options for practical application of BIM. The author analyzed foreign and domestic literature on this subject and on the basis of analysis produced he selected the main concepts of integration of BIM and BMS. The author found and justified the concept of Building Information Models` application to determine the cumulative value of environmental perturbations on guidance systems. On the basis of this concept he offered a way to optimize the BMS` equipment operating mode by finding of control`s Root Mean Square Error (RMS Error) and calculating of regulator`s optimal parameters using the RMS error minimum criterion. Integration which is produced as described allows to calculate the value of cumulative perturbation`s equivalent and do not stop the regulation of investigated control path.

Building Information Model, Building Management System, simulated model, process visualization, simulation, integration.

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