Modern therapeutic strategies for intervertebral disc repair mainly focus on targeting molecular pathways of extracel-lular matrix degeneration. Anabolic strategies for regeneration are aimed to increase production of major extracellular molecules. Members of TGF-b superfamily proteins, particularly the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) have a high regenerative potential regarding the mesenchymal cells. The goal of this study is to study production of proteoglycans by the intervertebral disc cells under the influence of bone morphogenetic protein 2.Material and methods. The experiment was carried out on the cell cultures derived from the annulus fibrosis cells and nucleus pulposus cells of the human intervertebral disc. We studied cell livability, metabolic activity and proteoglycan expression. Cell livability was assessed using the trypan blue staining. Alamar blue test was used for the estimation of metabolic activity. Amount of sulfated glycosaminoglycans was assessed using the assay based on the reaction with 1,9-Dimethylmethylene Blue.Results. Cultivation with bone morphogenetic protein 2 in different concentrations did not decrease livability of the cells. Study cell cultures with application of bone morphogenetic protein 2 in different concentrations showed significant increase in metabolic activity and proteoglycan synthesis by the annulus fibrosis cells. Despite the relative increase in the number of the nucleus pulposus cells treated with the bone morphogenetic protein 2, the differences in metabolic and synthetic activity compared with control group was not significant. Conclusion. The bone morphogenetic protein 2 has an anabolic effect towards the intervertebral disc cells, particularly in the production of proteoglycans by the annulus fibrosis cells.
intervertebral disc, degeneration, bone morphogenetic protein, proteoglycans
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