Objective of research: To estimate the effect of new combination drugs Aversect Forte and Aversect Combi on rats. Materials and methods: The present experiment for the evaluation of eventual embyotoxic and teratogenic properties of drugs Aversect Forte and Aversect Combi was conducted on 32 female and 8 male rats based on the current methodological guidelines. Pregnant female rats were divided into 2 experimental and 2 control groups. Drugs were applied between the 7th and the 14th day of pregnancy taking into account the highest sensitivity of embryos towards different types of influence within this time period. Aversect Forte and Aversect Combi were injected to pregnant rats subcutaneously at a dose of 0,3 mg a.i./kg of individual body weight. Rats from the control group received a forming mixture in comparable volume. Within the whole period of pregnancy, we observed the general clinical condition of female rats. Results and discussion: Effects of new domestic preparations Aversect Forte and Aversect Combi on the antenatal development of the rat via subcutaneous injection of preparations to female rats at a dose of 0,3 mg a.i./kg between the 7th and the 14th day of pregnancy were estimated. The test preparations did not cause any external and internal developmental anomalies; indicators of embryo death, mass and dimensions of embryos were at the actual level of control and physiological parameters for that type of animals.
Aversect Forte, Aversect Combi, embryotoxic and teratogenic effects, rats.
В настоящее время на рынке лекарственных препаратов появляются новые, современные, высокоэффективные средства для лечения гельминтозов. Однако, воздействуя на паразитов, многие препараты в той или иной степени могут оказывать отрицательное влияние и на организм животных, в том числе на течение беременности, и приводить к патологиям в развитии плода. Целью настоящих исследований была оценка эмбриотропного эффекта новых комбинированных препаратов аверсект форте и аверсект комби на крысах.
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