Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Specific power increase in hydraulic actuators requires the accuracy increase in computation procedures at designing elements of drives and hydromachines. A running gear of a hydromachine is a unified unit, a basic element of a system defining its reliability and servicing characteristics. It finds its equilibrium position at a complex impact of power factors of dif-ferent origin: a hydromechanical effect of working liquid, a thermal effect of liquid and a contact and friction of mechanical parts. A classic decomposition and analysis of separate simulators break the integrity of a working process and its equilibrium position. For taking into account the influence upon hydromachine functionality hydrodynamics and deformation of me-chanical elements forming a flowing part we developed a complex model of functioning a running gear of an axial-piston hydromachine taking into account the existence and interference of power factors with different physical origin. In the paper there are shown the results of the simulation of hydrodynamics, deformation and strength in a complex setting.

hydraulic actuator, hydromachine, simulation, hydrodynamics analysis, strength analysis
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